<% Response.Buffer = True %>
' Setup the variables necessary to accomplish the task
Dim TimerStart, TimerEnd, TimerNow, TimerWait
' How many seconds do you want them to wait...
TimerWait = 5
' Setup and start the timers
TimerNow = Timer
TimerStart = TimerNow
TimerEnd = TimerStart + TimerWait
' Keep it in a loop for the desired length of time
Do While (TimerNow < TimerEnd)
' Determine the current and elapsed time
TimerNow = Timer
If (TimerNow < TimerStart) Then
TimerNow = TimerNow + 86400
End If
' Okay times up, lets git em outa here
Response.Redirect "nextpage.html" %>
Sub TimeDelaySeconds(DelaySeconds)
SecCount = 0
Sec2 = 0
While SecCount < DelaySeconds + 1
Sec1 = Second(Time())
If Sec1 <> Sec2 Then
Sec2 = Second(Time())
SecCount = SecCount + 1
End If
End Sub
' To change delay adjust here
<% TimeDelaySeconds(2) %>
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